Germany the forerunner in Europe’s electric bike sales as market nears 3 million units

Statistics provided from LEVA-EU show that the electric bike market is still on the increase, with Germany leading the charge. With the national results still yet to be released, LEVA-EU’s findings indicate that Europe will surpass 3 million units in 2020.

According to LEVA-EU, the German electric bike market hit the one million unit milestone for the first time with LEVA-EU commenting that “there is little doubt that the one and a half million mark will be exceeded this year”. The Germans saw E-MTB sales grow nearly 47% (just under 360,000) and by 24% in Switzerland to 50,000.


Market increases have also been seen in Belgium with the uptake of the speed pedelec, which has modified its traffic code to accommodate them. The traffic rules for speed pedelecs are fairly clear. Moreover, commuters using a pedelec can enjoy a compensation of up to € 0.24 per km, tax-free.  106 test riders commuted on a speed pedelec in the past year for 3 weeks in the framework of the 365SNEL project. Covering an average of 21.6 km a day. This can result in more than €1,300 extra per year, tax-free. Holland saw an increase of 38% based on 2018 figures and judging from the current figures from Germany, once the numbers are in we are due to see a further increase.

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