Now might be the best time to buy an E bike

Many people are still hesitant to make the switch to an electric bike, and while we understand the world has been plunged into uncertainty, the outbreak has highlighted many of the benefits of purchasing an electric bike.


COVID-19 has completely disrupted our transport systems and how we travel on a daily basis. Public transportation has seen a decline in usage due to it’s associated risks and communal aspects. This applies to all shared bike and scooter schemes also. Walking all the tried and tested routes is enjoyable, but eventually it can become repetitive. You could wheel out your old, rusty bike, which is always a good idea, but why not expand your horizons (safely) and go electric?

Let’s consider some of the reasons why e-bikes might become one of the best methods of transportation for our new pandemic and post-pandemic lifestyle and the reasons to finally make the plunge (if you’re lucky enough to still be employed!)

Personal ownership:

The pandemic has brought to our attention a glaring fault in shared scooter and bike schemes because of their communal aspect. Even though infectious disease experts say the risk is low to contract the virus from a shared vehicle, they have seen a massive drop in usage and now it would appear many are slowly pulling back from the UK because of this and the other problems they present.

Empty streets: 

One of the impacts of COVID-19 has been the dramatic decrease in traffic on our roads with sources displaying a decrease of almost 30% in certain US cities and almost 73% in the UK! This decrease is even more striking in some European countries, with Italy witnessing a 65% fall in overall traffic and 70% in personal vehicle traffic. However it is important and responsible to note that cyclist injuries in New York City increased by 43% between March 9th and March 15th so make sure you remember your helmets! Read this article on tips to stay safe while riding during COVID-19.


Social distancing:  Riding a bike (alone!) is an excellent way of exercising while maintaining the social distancing guidelines. Electric bikes with varying levels of motor assistance are the perfect way to get outside and get some much needed fresh air, to feel invigorated by picking up some speed and by getting the much needed shot of endorphins to your brain to keep your wellbeing in tip top shape. It also allows those who have mobility issues still have the opportunity go out and feel the wind rushing through their hair, something that shouldn’t be inaccessible to anyone, especially in 2020. The radius in which electric bikes can reach are rapidly increasing as the batteries and motor become more efficient, with some batteries providing up to 70+ miles of assistance so you can ride farther to escape the congestion of cities with their crowded bike paths which still pose risk.

New rules: 

As one of the first cities to prohibit the use of electric bikes, New York City is relaxing its restrictions. After recommending New Yorkers avoid using public transport, Major of NYC, Bill de Blasio has made the decision to suspend the police departments crackdown on delivery workers using electric bikes. It is very likely that this relaxation will continue post pandemic after the city will see the direct benefits of integrating e bikes into its infrastructure. With businesses and restaurants turning to delivery to continue doing business during the outbreak, the need for efficient, dynamic and fast-moving delivery workers is larger than ever.

Cities are now beginning to recognise the benefit of integrating electric bikes as New York City begins to consider subsidies for ‘frontline workers’ who may need to purchase an electric bike. In the UK bike shops have been declared essential services and the government is offering grants to those who can propose innovative transport solutions to help the country through the difficult time.

Netherlands have recently introduced a government scheme in January which allows employees to lease an electric bike. Workers can get a €3000 electric bike for as little as €7 a month, that’s less than a Netflix subscription! The UK is still slow to adopt but this crisis may be a significant nudge towards going electric.

At Urban Electro we offer a large range of electric bikes, we recommend looking at the brand ROK who offer affordable yet powerful E bikes, both a folder and E-MTB.